Wednesday, February 21, 2007


過年到了, 洋洋的阿公答應要送洋洋一個新年禮物. 帶著洋洋來到台南佳里鎮一家老字號的玩具店, 店裏的玩具從最新的 Wii 到小朋友玩的塑膠玩具, 應有儘有; 價錢也很便宜, 上次在海生館用399買給洋洋的音樂扭扭魚, 在這裏竟然只要 149, 還可以打 7 折, 真是夠了.

[上圖] 洋洋東挑西選, 我本來以為洋洋為買個玩具汽車之類的小玩具.

[上圖] 玩具實在太多了, 洋洋眼花撩亂.

[上圖] 天呀, 最後洋洋竟然看到一個大搥子, 說好大, 洋洋要買. 於是洋洋的新年禮物, 只花了80元就打發了. 這是一支搥下去, 會有啾啾聲的搥子, 很爆笑.

1 comment:

Josh said...


Hope all is well with you.

I am very interested in the big plastic hammers and would like to buy one of them for my kid. However, I currently live in the United States and couldn't find anything like it here. Can you tell me where you bought it and if you can buy one for me. Of course, I will pay for the cost and shipping.

Btw, you son is very cute.

Thank you very much,

Josh (